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Factz about Chuck

Hand's up, who's Chuck's fanz here! Here's some facts all about the drummer,.... Chuck Comeau!

A Big Package For You 1999-2003 - Simple Plan

The dramatic rise of Montreal rock band Simple Plan to international success is explored in entertaining fashion in A Big Package For You, directed by Chuck Comeau, who is the band's drummer, and produced by Patrick Langlois.

Chuck's Picky Preshow Prep

The guys agree that Chuck takes the longest to get ready for a show. "He takes forever to do his hair!"Pierre dishes. "He's a little obsessive about his looks.He definitley owns more products than anyone else in the group,"Jeff adds. "He likes all that stuff,like soups and gels."

~He likes to recieve gifts~

~Chuck likes going to New York City and Asia the most~

~He went to college, but then he dropped out. But he was in college the longest in SP~

~He signs after every show~

~Chuck goes to message boards to read about people that hate Simple Plan~

~Chuck watched the whole season of Twenty Four in one weekend.~

~Chuck's first drumset was Yahama~

~He attended law school~

~Before EVERY show (AND YES I SAID EVERY), he still gets nervous.~

~He was a former member of Reset~

~He use to write for a weekly music magezine in Montreal~

~Chuck's mom still does his laundry~

~Chuck uses hair gel on his hands when performing so he doesn't lose his drumsticks.~

~Chuck weighs 140~

Chuck is SINGLE!

~He claims to be no longer a virgin~

~He wears glasses/contacts~

~He listens to rap and hip hop~

~He use to play the piano~

~Chuck apparently left Reset because he was always arguing with Pierre~

~He didn't wear a Role Model shirt to the MMVA~

~He is a technology freak. He's on the computer a lot. He even thanked Windows Media Player and Real Player for the idobi interview~

~At a concert in Detroit, a fan threw a glass bottle towards the scene and Chuck received it in the face. He had to play the whole show with his face full of blood. After the concert they went to the hospital and Chuck had 4 stiches~

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